Love it!
Love it!
Must have made her pretty happy.
thenkz again Rtil
That must have been allot to compress to get on newgrounds.
Just how did you do it? Was flash really able to export something like that and squeeze it down to 9 megs?
I originally rendered it in passes from Max, edited and composited in After Effects, exported 2 .mov's from after effects (high res and low res), then imported the low res into flash. The exporting from flash wasn't too difficult, it was the importing that I had to tweek to squeeze it down to under 10mbs.
omgz yes
You get bonus points for using Amon Amarth. That was certaintly epic.
Fucking wonderful,
I hope all of that work is paying off for you - because Jazza, you gave finality to my night. Look how NG has changed, we've gone from Spear Britney to some really substantial independent work.
This brightened my day for no particular reason.
Thanks, I loled.
The contrast between his panacea and sadistic world is gripping.
Really well done.
It was meditative, but lacked a plot or a reason to watch it twice.
New York City
Joined on 10/1/04